All material published on Boutique Developer is the intellectual property of either Boutique Developer Pty Ltd, our content providers or our authors and is protected by international copyright law. Generally speaking all text is the intellectual property of Boutique Developer Pty Ltd, while images are the intellectual property of the relevant photographers, architects, designers etc, unless otherwise stated.

We are generally happy for individuals and websites to repost material from online, so long as:

  • Boutique Developer is cited as the source with a prominent credit and link to the relevant page on our site, eg “(viaboutiquedeveloper)” or “Seen on boutiquedeveloper” or an in-text link etc;
  • All copyright notices are respected, with credits and links to authors and photographers included next to the relevant text, images etc, and the permission of the copyright holder sought in advance;
  • Reposted content is limited to elements of individual stories and image sets rather than wholesale copying of entire stories or multiple stories;
  • Our reposted content is freely accessible to all internet visitors, without pay or registration barriers, and is not used for commercial purposes;
  • You take reasonable steps to ensure third-party sites do not repost our content from your site, eg by clearly publishing your own copyright notice.

If in doubt, or if you want to discuss syndication, please contact us.

If the above requests are not observed we reserve the right to act in accordance with our rights as set out in our copyright notice as follows:

Copyright © Boutique Developer Pty Ltd 2017

All intellectual property rights in all aspects of this website, including (without limitation) design, logos, text, graphics, applications, software, underlying source code and all other aspects, belong to Boutique Developer Pty Ltd and/or Boutique Developer Pty Ltd’s content providers and/or authors (including but not restricted to architects, designers, photographers, visualisers and model-makers).

In accessing and using and related sites, you agree that you may not download content except for personal, non-commercial reference. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Boutique Developer Pty Ltd as, or on behalf of, the copyright owner.

For rights clearance please contact us.